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Imaglyy • 2 years ago

It's all about money ei.

LesK • 1 year ago

the title is taken from the old Japanese idiom... 'A skilled hawk hides its talons.' which means, conceal your talents somewhat until they are needed. aka. don't brag about how excellent you are at something.

Attila Szántó • 1 year ago

Say that to Kogoro, if he had any discernible talent other than drinking.

LesK • 1 year ago

he does like to 'beat his own drum' so to speak. :D

strange guy • 1 year ago


Wiz Kidd • 1 year ago

In case you missed it, the gun was on the other shoulder (6:02, 8:11).

LesK • 1 year ago

mhm, that was quite the boffo by the staff at TMS. folks normally carry their long guns via the sling over their dominant hand's shoulder.

also, how did she find her husband AND shoot him with his own shotgun at the EXACT time the puffed rice demonstration made that noise? did the husband always take the same walking route out into the woods looking for boar? if he didn't get one, what would dinner be that day? why would he have to hunt the boar that day? why not shoot a boar as many times as legal every hunting season and just freeze the meat?

then, how did she know the exact height to string the tripwire so the hawk would hit it? no matter how many times she had seen that demonstration, the hawk most definitely would approach the lure/target at different heights depending on the temperature of the air each day. wind speed, wind direction, and air pressure due to that change in temp would affect the hawk's approach angle and flight path as well as the amount of time it would take.

that was just some shoddy writing to begin with. i thought this episode might be interesting, but it turned out to be crap. i'm sorry i wasted my time with this episode, it is now in my top five worst filler episodes for Conan.

Whiz, what's your #1 worst filler? mine is 251 'The Tragedy at the OK Corral' that one was just... ugh! :p it sucked!

bari • 2 years ago

now they won't have guests anymore lol, poor hawk and poor employees

bari • 2 years ago

its the "apron" lol

but oved the hawk~

Shisui_Itachi_uchiha • 2 years ago

It's really suprising the motive to kill in some episodes are. Those are just stupid reasons to kill someone, characters are very easily triggered.

—— • 1 year ago

Idk, that motive was valid to me.

Hawk's Eye • 2 years ago

The motives in fillers especially are quite unbelievable.

strange guy • 1 year ago

Yeah but sometimes in the manga there are sometimes where it doesn’t make sense on why the suspect killed the criminal

hereforfun • 1 year ago

"the skilled hawk hides his crimes". It is known what Grifith did, he pay for it in time, Guts will get his a55. xD

strange guy • 1 year ago

3 episodes left than I’m done with 2021

Wiz Kidd • 1 year ago


jim15(AH-LE-LE) • 2 years ago

What an episode xD

strange guy • 1 year ago
